The 3 Perfect Red Lip Colors

Have you ever struggled to find the perfect red lip color? If you are like me, I have more red lipsticks in my make up drawer than needed but I cannot resist looking for that perfect red lipstick every time I am at a make up counter. One that I can wear during the day and look striking but not harsh. One I can throw in my bag for a quick pick me up during the day or that can transition into a beautiful nighttime look.

I have rounded up some classics that bear the name of being called universal reds, meaning these work on every skin tone and hair color.



I have had the privilege, because of my appearances on Cityline, to work with make up artists and I have learned some tips from them on how to create a perfect red lip.

Exfoliate your lips, add a lip balm and blot.

Line and color your entire lip with a lip pencil in the same color preferably. Blot. This trick keeps the lipstick on all night.

Using a lip pencil, paint your lips and blot again.

Then apply one more time.

I also like to add a dab of clear gloss in the centre of the lower lip and a dab of highlighter on the cupids bow.

Done and Done!


My Love Affair with White


Using a Designer