Using a Designer

A question I always get asked is when should you use a designer for a project? 

Using a designer to start any project is a good thing. We are able to review living spaces and offer skilled design advice. A good designer can provide you with a detailed design plan which can allow you to move forward confidently. And of course, we are always there to work alongside of you to ensure everything goes smoothly. 

In a world of YouTube and self-help tutorials, many of us do our own deep-dive into solving an infinite amount of household dilemmas.

Can’t figure out how to change the filter on the fridge? Google it.

Want the perfect paint color for kitchen cabinets? Google it.

Need to change the battery on your fire alarms? You know where to go.

There are so many apps and design programs at our fingertips and that is a wonderful and amazing thing!

Many of our clients today have already begun a journey into what they want in their homes and often provide us with mood boards, and lay out concepts. I am always impressed and enjoy seeing clients flex their creative muscles. After all, it is their home and I want to create the perfect space for them.

Recently a design project we began in a condo building resulted in some unforeseen complications. Our client had approved our initial design concepts and all was going well until the condo board reviewed the washroom design. There were some limitations which would result in our client having a single sink instead of the double sink and a smaller shower. Not something any of us were happy with.

This can happen and not all projects goes to plan especially if structural elements are involved. 

So, what do you do?

Like any professional, designers are trained to deal with the unforeseen and also to ensure the design integrity is maintained and the client is happy with the result.  

In this case, re-submitting drawings quickly and having frank, respectful and unheated conversations resulted in a reasonable solution to the problem. And the client never had to do a thing.

Today’s technology allows us to do many things, but never underestimate the value of using a professional.

Trust us and feel confident your project will end exactly the way you envisioned it.



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